George Bradley, DBA JesusPDX and/or Renaissance
(503) 756-5958
Let’s Visit Soon!
Can we meet and talk? Yes, certainly. We can arrange a meeting at a local coffee shop or other location. Please come as you are. You don’t need to do or say anything special. Just bring your thoughts, questions, doubts and hopes and we’ll chat, pray or whatever is appropriate. We don’t want to embarrass or pressure you in any way. We believe in freedom of thought. We oppose coercion. Our services are provided at no cost to you. After meeting individually, we may direct you to a local home group, church or other spiritual opportunity. We’ll seek to customize our recommendations to your background and situation. You don’t need to be a part of any faith community to consult with us. We value loving God and people. We’re low-key and easy going.
- George’s purpose is not to be philosophical but we’ll pursue ultimate reality.
- We are not into fancy prayers but we love talking to God.
- JesusPDX isn’t a scripture study, nonetheless we encourage daily Bible reading.
- Our times together aren’t ‘therapy’, however we share our deepest feelings.
- Renaissance isn’t a recovery group, yet we seek to be accountable with one another.
- Our network is not a social service agency, however we promote regular service to others.
- The church is not an advertising agency, still we communicate the Jesus Story ardently.
- Our desire is to balance each of the above aspects of our lives.
We look forward to meeting you. Just text, email or call George to talk or schedule a coffee meeting.