We focus on connection and meaning. We live life and love with Jesus.
We invite you to connect with God, yourself and others. We encourage you to find meaning by serving others and by openly exploring/talking about the Jesus story.
Our process is simple. We have a behavior for each of our objectives.
We seek to:
- connect with God by worshiping Him each week (1)
- connect with ourselves and grow spiritually by we practice the Rhythms (2)
- connect with others through friendships in a spiritual home group (3)
- discover meaning as we serve our community with a volunteer job (4)
- encounter meaning as we communicate the Jesus story and reproduce.
(1) Information on public worship gathering is available upon request.
(2) Copies of our Renaissance Rhythms are available at no cost. Just ask.
(3) When you contact us we can also provide you with info on home groups.
(4) Our people have served: the homeless, the fatherless, the working poor, students, in disaster relief…
Ask about how to be involved in these or other areas. Ten percentage of every dollar given to Renaissance is systematically given to local, national and international relief, spiritual and service
Click here to sponsor a fatherless child:
Click here to watch an animated explanation of the Jesus story.
Where is JesusPDX Headed?
We see JesusPDX and Renaissance being a practical resource for people with doubts about Jesus. We want to see the person and teaching of Jesus transform each area of our lives (health, relationships, learning, finances, sexuality, civics, free time…). We want to see more and more people practice the Renaissance Rhythms. We can help you find a renewal, recovery or growth group (see the video below as an example of one modality we use). Thanks for letting us walk with you as you pursue connection and meaning.